Thursday 25 March 2010

Oh Dear!!!

The Honda Blackbird.

A legendary bike with legendary build quality.Super fast, super cool and meticulously looked after by mature owners who pour love and affection on their machines as any Honda should be.
So! What the bloody hell happened here then-->

Also, while surfing around I found a pic of
'another' purple Blackbird, not sure it works
so well this one though.

Mr Bungle


Geoff James said...

Looks like the first one has been used in the Aussie outback! No accounting for taste :-)

Mr Bungle said...

apparently it was used for a run across Russia....poor thing..

Papa Phallus said...

That second purple bird is missing something can't quite put my finger one it, but these images of road gritters that keep flashing in my head must mean something! Hmm nevermind. Nice metalic look though.

Mr Bungle said...

OOOH Ouch, that hurts, like being hit by 2 frying pans : )