Sunday, 5 October 2008

My Poor Bloody Car

Ooh I feel right guilty now.

Coming out of Halfords yesterday with an arm full of Auto Glym's finest polishes and resins and metal treatments and whatnot, my car saw me approaching, i swear it had little smile on it's face and a little tear running down the headlight, it thought "yes, at last i'm gonna get valeted".
The poor thing is in desparate need of some tlc, but no, it was for the Blackcurrant, yeah so go screw yourself you french piece of shit, that's what you get for setting alight on me Claude.

Does anyone else neglect their car but pour love all over their bike?

Oh wait! am i really having this conversation with my car?

Yep, that's it i'm losing it, Purple bike, Spontaneously combusting car, what next, spend my life in a box in a field in the middle of nowhere, Ha as if.


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