Hi There
Welcome to our Blog site. We are a bunch of middle age, over weight, desperatly trying to be cool bikers. We have a love all things two wheels and cafeterias, and we are particularly pleased when we manage to combine the two. Over the next few posts i will introduce the guys, and try my best to put all our trials and tribulations onto this page.
Mr. Bungle
The countdown is on
1 week ago
Hi its about time that a decent blog came along,the scenery on your trip looks absolutely fantastic, and the food sounds good enough to eat. the bikes seem to be in great condition,all in all it looks like eveyone had a great time all round. mind you there seems to be a mix of pristine machines & odd ball riders, mr bungle looks as though he is to tall for his bike ?, viper looks as though he's just some bloke looking arround a boot sale, and as for zippy whats with the pink bike is he a cross rider as its a weekend trip should the other characters be wary well lok forward to reading you other updates as they come.
Looks like mid life crisis time again, too much time sat in muddy cabins fiddling with your self, or is it fiddling with your work, any way good to see you de-stressing or is it distressing. Just be careful ever heard of all your eggs in one basket. Must say, that chap ‘Vipor’ who is he? and why is he letting the side down somewhat, Do you think you could get him some sad leathers as well in his size, may be sacrifice several wildebeest or something. Any way good luck-enjoy… Tea-time.
Oh by the way... Pink...
Can anybody answer any of the following Questions.
1 Wot bike will bungle buy ?
2 Will Viper get 2
3 Will claims direct evey come out with us
4 How much did Bungle get for Kaptain Klingons bike
5 How many pices is it in
6 Can a VFR beat a Bandit
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